
sabbatical :: day three

I am very much enjoying my sabbatical. I am loving the book that we're reading...it's been a long time since I've enjoyed a book this much. The daily envelopes are fun to open and read. I have felt very challenged, yet at the same time, super encouraged. Being the introvert that I am, I am so content with days all to myself! I am learning to not be so hard on myself, and not be so work-focused. I am realizing that normally, I put so many things before my quiet time and I am so not happy with that. I was talking to my best friend last night, and she was talking about needing some down-time with God to figure some things out. She said something that struck me...she said,"I need more time with God. My hour in the morning just isn't sufficient." As soon as she said it, i began to wonder...What would that look like for my life? I definitely know that I have been in that place. I also know that I want to be there again. I looked at the people in my life and the amount of time I spend with them...would I be happy if each day I was only able to spare 1 hour to be with Alex?? NO WAY! I would definitely find a way to cut things out to make more time for him...so now I ask myself...why don't I do that with God? Anyways, these are just my thoughts during this time. I met with my sabbatical group today and we talked about ways to add rhythms to our lives that are sustainable...we all agreed that we don't want to create a mountaintop experience that we would be unable to sustain. I've definitely been doing some thinking these past couple of days, but, I am also just incredibly thankful for leadership that recognized the need for us to rest and be filled up. On the agenda for today...work out....work on invitations...and a bike ride (it's a BEAUTIFUL day)!

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