
it's been a while...

we've totally been m.i.a

the past few weeks, we've been getting ready for the fall launch of new rooms, with a new curriculum for my younger threes and upgrades in all the classrooms. it's been completely crazy, and september isn't looking any more calm! The upside is that we love it! We love the families we see each weekend, seeing the kids respond in new ways all the time, and the amazing volunteers we get to serve alongside....and one of the best parts is that we get to do it together!

Fall is always busy around here. We are currently lacking nearly 200 volunteers...it's nutty, but I know that God is going to show up. The funny thing is that this time i'm not sure how He's going to provide or lead us. I have a sneaking suspicion that He's not going to drop 200 applications in our laps, so I know we're in for an adventure!

This is a boring post with no pictures, but I do have some baking adventures to show you very soon :)

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