
no pain, no gain.

alex and i have officially started working out more. alex has been riding his new bike a ton, and i have started the jillian michaels 30 day shred. i started at just about the worst time since you are supposed to go for 30 days straight, and i started 2 days before my birthday and vbs, and about a week before our laughlin vacay! But, even with the hurdles, we're both pretty dedicated to our workouts. For me, videos have always been the way to go because I am an inside girl. I could stay inside all day every day and be pretty content as long as I can look out the windows! I'm hoping to see good results from the shred now that I'm home and can get on a regular schedule with it. I also plan on using the new wii game that alex gave me for my birthday to up the results! I'm already 3.8 pounds lighter than when I started :)


Roxeanne said...

Phil and I started the 30 Day Challenge on EA Active, and I really like it! I was skeptical, but it's kicking my butt!

angelina said...

oh good...i haven't really started that one, but i think you just inspired me!