we've been in our new place for about a month now and we're just now starting to feel settled. moving with a toddler was a lot more difficult than when it was just the two of us. not only do we have less time to unpack, but we also have a little person who gets into everything! the actual move happened while i was working. weird. i literally got ready for work (we had a major event at work) in the old house and went home at the end of the day to the new house. weird.
i am very thankful that micah only had one rough night. he isn't the best (and that's putting it lightly) at sleeping away from his bed. the first night we put him down, he was terrified and cried the most awful heart wrenching cry when i started to walk out. he ended up falling asleep with me laying next to the crib and him holding my hand to fall asleep. too sweet.
we are LOVING our little house. i guess technically it's an apartment, but it feels like a house, and more importantly, it feels like our home. we are still working on decorating, but here's a pic of our super fun outside space.
a big thank you to alex for working his butt off to make the outside space pretty...now we just need to get some grass so Micah can play outside!